Learning how to code

It’s been so long since my last post and that is because as I mentioned a few posts back, I’m getting into coding. I didn’t expect to be having this much fun with it. That, along with learning French and finally getting a job, is the main reason I’ve been unable to get to writing a post.

So why am I learning to code again? Right now, I’m learning HTML, moving onto CSS now, and after that, JavaScript, so I can code my own websites. I’m also interested in possibly making apps in the future. This website you’re on right now is made from a WordPress theme, since I knew nothing about those languages when I was making it, so I was very avoidant of solutions to do with coding. I’m still at level 0 pretty much, but if I continue learning then I might even be able to improve this site in the future. 😀

Interestingly, what’s helped me the most with learning code is learning languages, or more so knowing how to learn. Common advice I saw when I first started researching how to code was “learn how to learn.” It’s not that languages and coding languages are the exact same, though there is definitely coding advice that applies to language learning advice and vice versa, but through studying French I’d already discovered my learning style. I know what to learn first, how long to study it for, good memorisation exercises, whether to start with a course or jump right into a project and learn what I need as I go, etc.

When I made my first video game, I was still a noob at both language learning and coding. So even though I’d followed along with a whole 7 hour Unity tutorial, yes I was able to make a game (well, more like Google and coding forums were able to make a game), but today I can barely type one line of C# fluently. It’s luckily the opposite with HTML. I can create at least a simple website without having to look anything up, like how I can talk about my day in French without looking up translations. If you’re interested in hearing some of my methods to achieve this, stay tuned because I might make a post about it in the future! The most amazing feeling is when you come across a problem in your code, after you’ve acquired the building blocks for a language, and you’re able to mix things together and use what you’ve learnt to find the solution yourself, even if it’s far from the most efficient one.

Anyway, as for everything else, it’s been a while since I deliberately went out to take photos with my camera. I can’t really use the excuse that it’s been “winter” either, because “winter” for Perth is basically just summer but 5 degrees lower, with the occasional grey or rainy day. But I’ve still kind of been acting like it’s winter, and so has Astro, my cat, who’s fluffing and fattening up, and also getting darker (fun fact: Siamese “change colours” depending on the temperature!) Unfortunately, he was a bit sick and injured recently. But we took him to the vet and he’s feeling & looking way better now.

Since my brother is getting into writing stories, I offered some time ago to draw pictures to go along with one of his projects, and so now, everytime he finishes a new chapter or scene, I get on to drawing it. This has been really fun, and I’m glad that those two years of learning how to draw has paid off. I just wish I had taken it less seriously. I feel like I could have reached this level in a much shorter amount of time and in a less torturous way. Seeing his stories has also made me wonder whether I should start writing again as well. I’m exploring a concept right now, so we’ll see how that goes!

As I mentioned, the job search seems to be over. I say “seems to” because I still haven’t got my first shift yet, but I am technically employed, so that’s nice!

Overall, I’ve been having a great time recently. This post doesn’t cover everything, I was away for a LONG time. I really enjoyed writing about Astro, so expect to see more posts like that in the future. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you soon! Bye!

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A boring week

One of my goals for a long time now has been to get a part time job so I can buy things with my own money. The three major purchases I’ve made so far, paid for using at least most of the money I got from my first (temporary) job, were my camera, an art book, and hosting for this very website.

Photography is a hobby I picked up fairly recently, and I’ve been loving it, I take my camera with me everywhere and it enhances every experience I have outside. It made me actually like going out, as someone who used to find it pointless and boring. But now that it’s winter (Australian winter, as in grey skies, rain, and a little bit of sun), there aren’t as many nice things to take pictures of, and I haven’t been out much, at least anywhere further than walking distance.

Since turning 16, I was set on starting work before 2025, but due to busyness, some off experiences, and maybe a little bit of pickiness, that hasn’t happened yet. It has been creating some stress for me for a while now, so I think I have a decision to make between continuing to worry about the future or see what I can do day by day. I’ll update when that decision has been made and why!

It has now been a week since I published this site, without any new blog posts. I’m still trying to get a feel for what I want to do with it, what kind of style my blog posts should be in, how frequently to post them, and what topics they should cover, or which photos are worthy to add to my gallery, or even what my “about me” will be. So the site, especially this blog, will probably be a mess for a while until I get the hang of everything.

Today, I’m getting a new desk, and a thick rug to replace my thin purple one, since the house we’ve just moved into doesn’t have carpets. Having a real place to work other than my bed will hopefully motivate me to do stuff. The main problem is figuring out what that “stuff” is going to be. Right now, my comfort task seems to be learning French. We’re going to Paris in a few months, so I want to reach at least an intermediate level before then. I may make a separate post on how I’m doing that. 

Overall, nothing too exciting physically has been happening in the past few days, unless we’re talking about this big boy who is ALWAYS active:

I should make a separate post for him as well. But this is getting pretty long already, and I don’t want to reveal everything all in one post. So I’ll see you in the next one, which hopefully won’t be a week apart. See you soon!

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